Executive Coaching and Supervision

My experience has taught me that investing in people is the key to sustainable success. This view is built on a strong humanist belief that people are knowledgeable, competent, responsive, and reflective, which plays a central role in my coaching motivation and the way I work in helping people to develop their potential and raise awareness.
"I believe that people are central to success and that when supported to develop, individuals perform to their best potential."
I am an accredited Executive Coach, and a consultant in Peoples’ Management and Development, based in Nairobi (Kenya). As a French native I work both in English and French.
Formerly a Country Director and Manager in the not-for-profit sector, I have spent the last 20 years in Africa and Eastern Europe as an executive manager. From this experience I have a strong understanding of leadership in many international contexts and a deep appreciation of cultural diversity.
Coaching came to me as natural inclination that gradually developed to become a central interest in my professional life. I am currently an Accredited Executive Coach from a reputable international body, the Academy of Executive Coaching (AoEC).
To complement these skills and driven by my passion for developing people I have graduated with a Masters Degree in Human Resource Management and Development, with Manchester University.

- As an individual, through personal development (coaching, individual career development, and job search support) I can help you to release your potential, gain clarity and focus on your next professional step as well as be ready for interviews.
- As an organization, using a range of human resource management and development approaches such as: Executive Coaching, organisational behaviour & development expertise or/and organisational learning evaluation, we can help you improve the performance of your employees and maximize the potential of your team.
So what does this enable me to do for you?