Executive Coaching and Supervision

​Engaging in a supervision relationship
All coaches have doubt and questions and it is healthy in a sense that it fuels the reflective learning process of the coaching practitioner. However it is also true to say that reflective practice on it’s own has limitations. Coaching supervision provides a safe space where the coach can enhance his reflective practice and action learning, by a having a trusted sounded board that will help him to shift underlying mental models and develop a greater cognitive appreciation of its environment.
​What is supervision?
“Supervision is a reflective process by which the coach with the help of the supervisor critically examines, describes and analyse patterns and themes to observe the impact of expectations and chosen coaching strategies - Passmore 2011.​
​What does supervision provides?
Assuring professionalism, integrity and Ethical practice of the supervisee.
Personal and professional learning and development of the supervisee.
A safe environment for the supervisee to rest, refuel, and restore.
Space to celebrate and honour the work of the supervisee.
My Services
Individual Supervision
Individual coaching supervision is an experiential conversation-based learning partnership working through the supervisee’ stories of his/her practice to clear road block, obstacle, anxiety that might be hindering his coaching relationship. Based on 4-8 one-on-one sessions of 60 to 75 minutes each over a period of a year.
Group supervision
2h group supervision session every 8 weeks for 4 sessions, face-to-face or by skype. Group size 3-5 coaches.