Executive Coaching and Supervision

Why do you need an Executive Coach?
Executive coaching works through the process of providing a confidential and non-judgmental environment where the executive is able to fully explore their situation, their ways of viewing the situation and the impact of the system on the situation. AoEC

How do I coach?
My approach is strongly influenced by the Co-active Coaching Model that emphases the systemic perspective of coaching. One of the four cornerstones of the Co-active Coaching Model emphasises the systemic perspective of coaching, Whitworth et al (2009:6) point out that “even when the coaching session focuses on one particular facet of the client’s life, there is an awareness of the ripples that are set in motion.” Reality shows that often family, social networks, physical environments play an important role in the clients professional decisions
What makes me distinctive as a coach?
The high mobility related with sector specificity encourages expatriates to regularly re-think their career development. My coaching focuses on supporting the career decisions associated with these transitions (change of country, position, work reorientations…) as well as balancing challenges related to international postings (work life balance and career development).
As an expatriate the borders between work and life are blurred, I help to uncover all aspects of life that, directly or indirectly, influence decisions. Based on the clients learning style and appealing to his/her emotional intelligence, I often use imagery, mind-mapping, and other visual support to deepen learning and stimulate self exploration using more than one sense (sight, touch, hearing).
What is coaching?
“Coaching… is a series of conversations that help a person perform closer to their potential, understand their role or task, help them to learn what they need in order to complete a task or role successfully, develop them for the next role, and on a good day, help them achieve fulfillment at work and, maybe a little joy.” –Miles Downey.