Executive Coaching and Supervision

Personal Development plays an important part in our motivation and performance at work, not surprisingly many organisations have been introducing approaches such as career planning workshops, 360° feedback and Development Centres to help their employees to learn how to plan their own career and to reflect on their developmental needs.

Studies have demonstrated that job satisfaction, professional development and productivity increases with increasing satisfaction individuals have with their career development. (Source: David Mankin 2009)

Executive Coaching
Have ever experienced a time where you were listen at without any interference or judgement but with full attention and interest? Where you are not been told what to do and where decisions you make are grounded in your reality and therefore become solutions?

Job Search Support
How to develop professionally after 15-20 years in a sector?
What should be my next professional move?
Is my CV attractive?
How should I present myself in an interview?
What is a CBI (competency based Interview)?
©Peter Hailey

Career Development
Do you feel that you career is at a point of change but do not know how to handle this?
Have you reached a glass ceiling?
Are you wondering what your next move should be?
Explore your reality with a trained, non judgemental expert that will help you to gain clarity and identify your gaps.

Coach Supervision
Recent research highlights that both experienced and more junior coaches face anxiety and doubt in their practice (Erik de Haan 2015). Common questions a coach could ask himself could be: Is my coaching effective? Am I doing the right thing? How do I manage my bias? I got stuck, what did I do?
Continuous Learning is at the centre of the personal development concept and will :
- Equip you for change,
- Increase your confidence and competitiveness,
- Improve your performance,
- Boost your motivation